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Students can abe to :

  • Illustrate dynamic memory usage in applications

  • Manage arrays and structures with programming solutions for real time problems

  • Prepare programming solutions using variations of stacks and queues

  • Develop data set operations using variations of linked list

  • Devise applications to solve tree based problems

  • Formulate solutions for problems based on graphs




Students will learn to design Data strucures in C


We want students to learn about Data Strucures in C, when we are teaching them in class, and even when we are away from them, they can refer this website to try developing Data Strucures.

Our Teachers  

We have good teaching faculties to facilitate our students in learning Data Strucures in a deeper way.





"He liked to start sentences with okay, so. It was a habit he had picked up from the engineers. He thought it made him sound smarter, thought it made him sound like them, those code jockeys, standing by the coffee machine, talking faster than he could think, talking not so much in sentences as in data structures, dense clumps of logic with the occasional inside joke. He liked to stand near them, pretending to stir sugar into his coffee, listening in on them as if they were speaking a different language. A language of knowing something, a language of being an expert at something. A language of being something more than an hourly unit."
Author: Charles Yu
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